It was an indescribably beautiful feeling to experience these moments as a family
Lutz is also able to better concentrate and has become much more courageous. He appears more open towards other people, and his motor skills have improved and have become more secure. We have already been able to discover much positive developmental progress in Lutz!
Incredible experience
The whole programme was fantastic, We danced, Fed, sang and swam with her, we cuddled her and she kissed us, these are amazingly intelligent creatures, the pictures were fabulous too, the memories will last forever und thank you go the dolphins and staff.
Amazing experience
We love it. Very entertaining. The kids had a lot of fun. The audience is really close to the dolphins. Not a stadium. Everyone is in the first row. The trainer is doing a great show and seems really close to the dolphin. Although we found it expensive we couldn't swim with the dolphins but it was an amazing experience
Emotional film about a bound of a dolphin and a girl
It is a very emotional film about a bound of a dolphin and a girl. Our dolphin Frosya become a star as well.
Jayden had a great time with his new friends Daisy & Flip
We were able to see a difference in his concentration & awareness at the end of the two week therapy. Apparently, the effects of this therapy will continue to work & change in Jayden for about a month after, so as yet, we are still watching & reporting back to the dolphin centre.
Dolphin therapy improved Elena’s motor function
It was over way too soon, When we look at pictures of the dolphins or talk about them, Elena reacts with a smile. Seeing a child that happy is the most beautiful thing for me. The amazing moments will forever stay in our memory.
Emily kept making progress in dolphin therapy again
Emily was shining like the sun when she discovered Daniil and the dolphins. During the therapy sessions with Daisy, Flip and Frosia, Emily kept making progress. Her posture of the head improved again, and she was using her arms and hands much more precise than before.
Fantastic progress for Emily with dolphin therapy
We felt so warmly welcomed, and Emily made fantastic progress. Our physiotherapist here at home is totally in awe! Emily is much more relaxed through her legs, and her head control has also improved significantly. With your therapy for Emily, not only have you helped our daughter, you have also healed the souls of us parents a bit. And for that we can only say thank you again and again.
Colins Dolphin Therapy
Against all expectations of his doctors here in Germany, Colin has well tolerated all therapies. His last epileptic attack occurred 10 days prior to our flight to Turkey and – knock on wood – it’s almost like a miracle, he has not had another attack since then!!
A big thank you to the whole team!
What more can we say, except a huge thank you.
We would never have experienced this extraordinary adventure without you! We are deeply grateful to have been able to take our little guys to meet your dolphins and make them benefit from your quality dolphin therapy!
Marvin has advanced enormously through dolphin therapy
After his first dolphin therapy last year, many successes were visible. That’s why we decided on a second dolphin therapy this year. We are especially pleased with the advice and collaboration of therapists Swetlana and Cleo who are all characterized by high professional competency as well as heart and passion.
Maddox in a more balanced and happy state after dolphin therapy
Thanks to the therapies, a screaming child has turned into a totally balanced and happy child who enjoys life. He is much more concentrated, can grasp things, communicates and – incredibly – is able to walk with assistance, which is a great relief to us.
The most beautiful thing for me is the participation of the families in the therapy – an unforgettable experience with fantastic successes.
Tips readers make dolphin therapy in Turkey possible for young Liam
Between December and January, Tips readers responded to Glückstern-Aktion with a donation of 9,820 Euro for 6-year old Liam Weingärtner. Now the severely disabled boy has finished his dolphin therapy – and with much success
Swimming with the dolphin means very much to me
I’m a Bosnia war veteran with PTSD. I got wounded when I was 17 years old. Although I’m participating in a long time therapy for soldiers with PTSD the dolphin session helped me more than all the sessions which I have had in the last 15-20 years.
Real change for Dennis
I would like to express all my thanks for the great work of you and your therapy team. This time I felt a real change for myself, not only that Dennis is more attentive but also for my behaviour in relation to him.
Jakub is more interested, learning and exploring new things
After our stay in Antalya Jakub has changed a lot. He is more interested, learning and exploring new things. Definitely, he is more happy.
Feedback regarding Dolphin Therapy from the Ladas Family
We felt very well taken care of in the Dolphin Therapy Center in Antalya, and the professionalism was obvious and came with all the necessary sensitivity. Also organizationally we could find no fault. Absolutely super, and we can only express a huge Thank You and fully deserved praise. The hotel is clean and the grounds are neatly groomed.
Impressive development for Leon
We really miss the lovely time we had in Antalya. Everyone was impressed with Leon’s development and the great therapies with you played a big part in that.
Sophie improves Concentration and Fine Motor Skills
The Dolphin Therapy for Sophie was very enjoyable for all of us. The therapy was successful. Sophie’s body is no longer quite so tense. Her gait pattern is improved, she is able to concentrate better, and also her fine motor skills, for instance when coloring, are vastly improved.
Olivia’s therapy exceeded our expectations
It was just great to sit there by floating pools and see my daughter open up in full happiness! Soon after first sessions, I sensed changes in her - she was more open and invited me to her games, what she had not done before.
Now, 4 months later, we can see many positive changes in Olivia - we got more from dolphin therapy that we expected.
Sixth Dolphin Therapy for Stefan
The therapy has always helped me very much after six months. Then I was also able to concentrate more easily and to improve my ability to learn. I personally always thought the therapy was super because I could do so much with the dolphins. This was already my second therapy in Antalya and, with the awesome assistance of the dolphin trainer and the physiotherapist, I was allowed to do a lot on my own.
Improvements in Johannes with Dolphin Therapy
The therapy has been very, very beneficial to Johannes! He was able to further develop a great deal in all areas. His concentration improved, both his gross and fine motor skills were further honed, his obstinacy was moderated, his understanding of speech improved further, he is able to interpret what he hears much more quickly, and more and more he tries to use the words he has learned.
Luke is swimming with dolphins in Turkey
We were there!!!! The journey to Turkey was very exciting for us because both kids hadn’t flown on a plane before. Thank God everything worked out without problems.
On the first day we had the meeting with our dolphin-therapist Barbara. She explained which therapies would be executed. There were three therapies, physical therapy, cranio-sacral therapy and of course Luke’s dolphin lady „Daisy“.
Successful dolphin therapy for Stefan
This was the fifth dolphin therapy for Stefan already. Stefan had meningitis and since then has had problems with concentration, communication and combination. Luckily for us, he has always been very ambitious and participated in every therapy.
He especially liked the dolphin therapies of course. We noticed every time after about half a year that he made improvements, especially in combination like for example in math.
Marie's Dolphin therapy
The wet snout is tickling Marie’s feet. The six-year old girl is especially ticklish there. No respect is being paid to that. Marie is supposed to simply laugh.
It is already apparent that Marie has made progress. The girl is able to stand better. A first step without help works as well. Things that Marie wasn’t able to do up until now. She is also using her right hand more after the therapy. She had been hardly able to use it before because of the paralysis.
Dolphin Therapy boosts speech and concentration in Sandra
This time our main goal was speech and concentration. Barbara intensively practiced speech with Sandra, and she always had to express herself verbally. The result was that our daughter now tries much more to communicate verbally. Also, her vocabulary has increased enormously. In the meantime, we are now able to even communicate with her over the telephone.
Timo's successfully Dolphintherapy
We have been back since Friday, we are overjoyed because we can really see how Timo develops with every new day. Timo actually said “Daisy”, he hasn’t repeated it but it gave us soooo much hope.
Maya's Dolphin Therapy
Maya is far more ‘conscious’ at present – very happy to engage with eye contact, laughter/smiles – totally aware of what’s going on around her…and her body is far stronger – she is able to sit up well and walk (with full assistance) for some considerable distance now. We've yet to have any speech but Maya shows clear signs of wanting to talk and communicate her thoughts that way – that day will come.
Dolphin Therapy for Dardan
The dolphins Flip and Frosia, as the dolphin therapist Barbara, were a real miracle for Dardan. After the first 2 days Dardans fear reduced a lot and in the end he had also lost his fear of deep water. Dardan listened amazingly well to Barbara.
She was so good that Dardan gained a lot of trust in a very short time. Because of the therapy, a lot of other things improved as well, for example self confidence, concentration and communication. He has also said so many words, that it really surprised me.
Dolphin Therapy expectations exceeded
Our expectations were exceeded by far. Simona really bloomed, and every day she was excited about meeting Barbara and Frosia, she couldn’t get enough. She was happy and content. She is now much more open and she has gained so much from the fortnight, she is more alert and confident. Frosia managed to bring Simona much more into our world.
Dolphin therapy for Maxime
Maxime has been on therapy in October 2012. Her concentration is better and she moves better. We have in Holland also Cranio Sacral Therapy and her physiotherapist and on school she looks more alert and she understands more.
Dolphin Therapy for Bethany's brother
My brother had dolphin therapy at your centre in june and he is a totally different child. Both him and my mum met the dolphin while me and a friend swam. I can honestly say it was the best thing in my life and we will definitely be doing it again next year. Thank you so much.
Niklas with the dolphins
Niklas' concentration is better and he tries to speak other words…, we are totally thrilled and we want to come again in any case!
Samir Balota's condition after Dolphin Therapy
These positive developments were reflected in his work at school. My son, with whom I had great difficulty getting him to walk, now walks without problems.
He can concentrate a lot better. Samir now follows all instructions from his teacher. Everyone has noticed a wonderful change in Samir.
Dolphin Therapy of Marty
Hippotherapy was magnificent, Sally is amazing, has great love for children, Feliz - too. Thanks to Diana and physio therapy. There have been some changes in Marty.
Third Dolphin Therapy for Leon in Antalya
5 Months after the therapy there have been further developments. Leon has become so confident! He not only eats with his fingers, but also with a spoon, when dressing and undressing he tries to do so many things on his own, more and more he tries to communicate with speech, he sings he dances and participates in movements.
Dolphin Therapy in Antalya of Nele
Amongst other things this form of animal-assisted therapy works through ultra waves that the dolphins use for communication. These ultra waves set the child’s brain in an Alpha state; this is a condition which relaxes the brain but also in which the brain has its strongest learning ability.
Even during the therapy, which comprised Dolphin Therapy, Hippo Therapy and Physiotherapy positive results became evident. These successes are for us inconceivable and phenomenal.
Dolphin Therapy: "I would recommend it to everyone
We all arrived back safely with wonderful memories of Dolphin Therapy Center in Antalya.The therapies widely exceeded my expectations. The personnel were very professional and competent. I would recommend it to everyone.
Sandra Swimming with Dolphins
The dolphin therapy for Sandra was again a very nice, intense and successful time.
She has improved a lot. Sandra now talks a lot more, and clearer. She can pronounce clearer the names of friends and family members. Through this our everyday life has become much simpler. Sandra is also pleased to be able to be understood when she says something. One cannot imagine how this promotes the quality of life.
Sandra´s personality has also changed very much. She is a lot calmer and patient.
Dolphin Assisted Therapy of Victoria 2011
"You do very good work, now I even hear sometimes the "s".
We see Flip daily, as Victoria presses the remote control of the DVD player into our hands every day, and she watches everything, and one can see her “little big head” at work. She has also eaten a whole apple, as if she had never done anything else.
Waldemar danced with Dolphin Flip
Waldemar danced, played, sang and swam with Flip during the therapy. I noticed results straight away and am looking forward to further developments. Through the therapy Waldemar has become more concentrated, alert and happy.
The Dolphin Therapy was a great experience for Waldemar, one that he really enjoyed. Waldemar did not want to fly home, he wanted to stay with the dolphins.
Eight Year-old Victoria Learns to Walk
The young girl could not stand on her own legs. After two weeks of Dolphin Therapy great progress has been made. Victoria is more balanced and in August was able to kneel. An event for the parents that was like Easter, Birthday and Christmas all on one day.
It is like a miracle: The eight year-old girl, after only a few days in Antalya, could stand up for the first time in her life. Victoria can stand. In Turkey and at home in her garden. One cannot explain this therapy – but it works!
6 Years Dolphin Therapy of Nico Herrmann
Nico had a lot of luck and was able to take part in dolphin therapy 6 times, a therapy that helped Nico to recuperate from 3 big operations, that helped him to keep in good spirits and enabled him to continue to make progress!
Nico is now a lot more alert, understands instructions and carries them out.
A very special thank you to Barbara Dietrich, who conducted therapy for Nico for five years and with great success!
Dolphin Therapy with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
I am not exactly a “usual” case for this type of therapy. I sought this therapy for myself, not for a child. I’d heard that Dolphin Therapy could be successful in helping sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Each day in the water with Daisy was relaxing, and magical, in a way I cannot describe, like she was telling me “the world is okay, it can be great” in her own dolphin way. I think that combined, the therapies I received have opened up a whole new world for me. Where before I was too afraid to give myself, and the world, a chance.
But I also feel that there has been a long term change in me. I feel like I was renewed, in a way, and that I now have the confidence in myself, and the desire to see what comes next. I haven’t felt that in so long. – Anna B (Age 25)
Dolphin Therapy of Kirill 2011
Once again, I would like to thank you and the team for the unforgettable days at Onmega Dolphin center! Again, like a year before, we saw immediate results of the program on Kirill and look forward to see more with each coming day.
Kirill displays more maturity in his movements, he is more and more balanced, tries to jump all the time. He speaks more and more with every day, tries to make up phrases of 2-3 words and tries to participate in a conversation on a par with us.
Phil's 2nd Trip to the Dolphins
As we had such memorable experiences in 2009 in the Onmega Center, we decided to repeat the adventure a second time. After the first time he began to speak, became generally more open and self confident.
He quickly became more confident, used longer sentences and personal pronouns („we/“us“). We are more than happy about the further progress our son made in the therapy.
Jayden's trip to Dolphin Therapy in Turkey
We are back home safe & sound from our wonderful trip to Turkey.
Jayden´s Hippoterapy at Dolphin Therapy Center in Antalya Jayden had a great time with his new friends Daisy & Flip. He also had Osteo, Physio & “Hippo” (horse riding therapy).
We were able to see a difference in his concentration & awareness at the end of the two week therapy.
Therapy Report Dominik Turkey 2011
Dominik‘s Therapy was a wonderful time which brought about big changes. Dominik got on well with the therapists who cared for him, and naturally us too.
Dominik can move his left hand much better than beforehand. Moreover he can stand up with support. His muscular system is much more relaxed. Dominik can pass various things from his left hand to his right and back again. His torso rotation has also improved. He can stand with support and walk in his trainer. The work of the therapists, the personnel and Dominik has initiated these changes.
Report about Dolphin Therapy Center in Antalya
I was certain that „my“ children were in the best hands here and would be cared for by very well-schooled therapists and doctors.
With tears in my eyes I saw how Dominik stood up, Jaqueline exulted in joy when she played with the dolphins and stretched her hands out to stroke them. The children‘s eyes were clearly more alert and their faces were beaming.
The animals here have really worked small miracles and I was able to satisfy myself that the animals are kept properly and are lovingly treated and cared for.
Dolphin Therapy of Jacqueline
We have a daughter suffering from Epilepsy, she had various treatments at home before the therapy but with little success. She cannot walk, crawl or sit by herself. Her glance was not fixated. Her eating behaviour is also very bad.
After the second therapy session with Daisy she watched the animal and touching it she began to open her hand. At riding after the third session there were improvements in her posture.
Altogether it was two very nice, but strenuous weeks
Dolphin Therapy of Family Lücke
We had a wonderful time at the dolphin therpie it was good for Carina. A few days after beeing back in germany Carina slept much better during the nights and it still continues.
The complete work was great and deserves merit
We bore witness to the attention you gave to the health and well-being of the animals and also to the quality of patient care.
It makes us parents also very happy to see how successful it was
Many things have changed since the dolphin therapy, Laura is a big girl now and I see even bigger changes in her. e.g. She tries more to communicate by speech. The speech therapist says that the tone of her voice has changed. Lately she tries to read lips and repeat the words which is which is very important for Laura. At school everyone is delighted about Laura and her dolphin therapy.
She can now confidently, and with her body tensed, say what she wants and doesn't want. There are many little situations at school and therapy where Laura can manage many new things and everyone says how good it was for Laura to have been with you.
Thank you from Kirill
We are very thankful for what you did for Kirill during the course. Kirill has progressed a lot since that! He is much more coordinated now, goes on stairs alone, without any help. He tries to jump, rides bicycle and even tires riding scooter – that’s something I couldn't even imagine!
I believe, that all he achieved during the past 2 months is with the direct help of you! There are no words to express my feelings and my gratitude to you!
Tim Blows the Dolphin Whistle
Additionally to the sessions in the water Tim also had Physiotherapy and riding therapy sessions. As a result the young boy has made definite improvements in his co-ordination, mentally and also in his speech development.
The days in Turkey were a big success. Tim has developed an affinity for animals. He profits enormously from this.
Dolphin therapy in Antalya for Nico
For us it was an unforgettable experience and Nico has even made improvements that were completely unexpected. Since the therapy Nico has spoken his first words and constantly makes sounds. He is also now much more lively and alert and we believe that he will continue to improve.
We definitely recommend this therapy centre, not only because of its positive aspects and the inexpensiveness as opposed to Florida. We think that many families will now have the chance to undertake dolphin therapy. A lot is also to be said of the relatively short flight to Turkey as the long haul to America with disabled children is for many families just not possible.
Family Wunderlich Report
I can hardly find the words, but I would like to try to express the uniqueness and happiness that we experienced together.
Daisy brought so much joy into Jennifer’s life and it was incredible to see her so happy and boisterous after so many years. Even after such a short time I can register successful developments, and that is all down to your good work.
Angelika Glück
Lorenz is an 8 year old boy diagnosed with general retarded development with autistic tendencies.
In September 2007 and September 2009 we were in the Dolphin Center in Antalya each time for two weeks. The dolphin therapy sessions were always very well prepared, structured and attuned. Both stays were successful as we gained unique, positive and exciting experiences, good tips and ideas on further possibilities in dealing with Lorenz.
Anna, Andrea and Götz
We had an unforgettable and also for us parents an instructive time in Turkey with the Onmega Team and the dolphins. From the very first second we felt at home in the Hotel Mares. Everyone was so kind and friendly.
The therapy in Turkey helped Anna and ourselves. We have made a lot of progress. Anna’s Grandparents said ‘You've brought a different Anna home’. And that is exactly what we have done!
Successful Dolphin Therapy for Michael
Had taken part in a tumultuous year because there has been so much success by the dolphin therapy. I can´t describe what Michael everything has learnt and developed. Whether with walking, speaking, concentration, individual initiative etc.