Добро пожаловать на сайт центра дельфинотерапии «Onmega»! Дельфины – ангелы моря…. Позвольте себе любить ангела!
Новая и расширенная дельфинотерапевтическая программа предлагаемая Onmega Health Tourism Ltd. и Megasport Reisen включает в себя дельфинотерапию, являющуюся катализатором для других классических терапий таких как физиотерапия, кранио-сакральная терапия и психотерапия. Исходя из диагноза терапевтом наряд у с дельфинотерапией предписывается тот или иной вид классческий терапии.
It was an indescribably beautiful feeling to experience these moments as a family
Lutz is also able to better concentrate and has become much more courageous. He appears more open towards other people, and his motor skills have improved and have become more secure. We have already been able to discover much positive developmental progress in Lutz!
The whole programme was fantastic, We danced, Fed, sang and swam with her, we cuddled her and she kissed us, these are amazingly intelligent creatures, the pictures were fabulous too, the memories will last forever und thank you go the dolphins and staff.
We love it. Very entertaining. The kids had a lot of fun. The audience is really close to the dolphins. Not a stadium. Everyone is in the first row. The trainer is doing a great show and seems really close to the dolphin. Although
Jayden had a great time with his new friends Daisy & Flip
We were able to see a difference in his concentration & awareness at the end of the two week therapy. Apparently, the effects of this therapy will continue to work & change in Jayden for about a month after, so as yet, we are
It was over way too soon, When we look at pictures of the dolphins or talk about them, Elena reacts with a smile. Seeing a child that happy is the most beautiful thing for me. The amazing moments will forever stay in our memory.
Emily kept making progress in dolphin therapy again
Emily was shining like the sun when she discovered Daniil and the dolphins. During the therapy sessions with Daisy, Flip and Frosia, Emily kept making progress. Her posture of the head improved again, and she was using her arms and hands much more precise
We felt so warmly welcomed, and Emily made fantastic progress. Our physiotherapist here at home is totally in awe! Emily is much more relaxed through her legs, and her head control has also improved significantly. With your therapy for Emily, not
Against all expectations of his doctors here in Germany, Colin has well tolerated all therapies. His last epileptic attack occurred 10 days prior to our flight to Turkey and – knock on wood – it’s almost like a miracle, he has not had another
What more can we say, except a huge thank you. We would never have experienced this extraordinary adventure without you! We are deeply grateful to have been able to take our little guys to meet your dolphins and make them benefit
Нашей целью является представление качественной дельфинотерапии, базирующейся на современных научных изысканиях, дополненной классическими видами терапий.
Дельфинотерапия, общие положения
Дельфинотерапия — явление, связанное с биологическим эффектом от излучаемых дельфинами ультразвуков и благотворным влиянием их биополя в целом.
Kevin has awakened !!! Kevin from Reisbach has awakened through Dolphin Therapy. There was a big report from the Press in the Wochenblatt, Vistalboten and the daily papers in Munich. It was also reported by Radio Trausnitz and by the TV Channels Pro 7 and Sat 1…… ÏÎÄÐÎÁÍÅÅ…
Программы, предлагаемые нашим дельфинарием
Посетите наш дельфинариум и познакомьтесь с дельфинами поближе, узнайте много итересного об этих удивительных животных, сфотографируйте их для своей коллекции отпускных фотографий.Тем, кто уже давно мечтал о том, чтобы погладить дельфина, узнать каковы эти животные на ощупь, сегодня представляется такая возможность.
Испытайте незабываемое чувство от плавания дельфином, окажитесь рядом с ним в его среде. Проплывать рядом с ним, иметь возможность гладить и наслаждаться близостью с ним,…Уже давно мечтали заглянуть за кулиссы тренерской работы, узнать поближе, а кто они «тренеры дельфинов?» Такую возможность предлагает наш дельфинарий.