Article by newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine, 10.11.2010, author: Lorenz
Ralph from Ichenhausen-Rieden is now more alert, relaxed and shows more interest. He is very thankful to the young people in the village who helped to make this possible. Ralph has been seriously disabled due to a lack of oxygen at birth. The young people invited many others to a congenial coffee afternoon and collected donations, a sum of 2300 Euro, to help finance a dolphin therapy in Turkey in which Ralph recently took part.

About two dozen young people in Rieden collected donations during a coffee afternoon for Ralph who is of the same age. Simon Götz, Andreas Milonas and Alexander Dehm (at the rear from the left) were able to present to Ralph Sonderholzer and his parents Centa and Edwin the sum of 2300 Euro to help pay for a special therapy. Photo: Lorenz
It will be „a celebration for the whole village“ said the 21 year-old Alexander Dehm of the festivities.He and his friends Simon Götz (19), Andreas Milonas (20) and another 20 young people from Rieden wanted to help finance the 5000 Euro therapy with coffee and cakes and live music in the hall at the Gasthaus Weißes Ross. Cakes and coffee were donated which made for a lovely Autumn Sunday afternoon.
At least 15 young people gave their best in the kitchen and serving the 150 guests who came not only from Rieden but also neighbouring localities. „There was a lot of coming and going“, said Simon Götz with satisfaction. They were entertained by Ralph’s brother in-law on accordeon and guitar. Also his sister Corina held a Beamer show giving first-hand information on dolphin therapy. Ralph was accompanied to the therapy in Antalya by his parents Centa and Edwin Sonderholzer as also by his sister and brother in-law Corina and Konrad Butzmann to provide 24-hour support.
This was a great success ensured mother Centa Sonderholzer. „He adjusted so well“ she said happily, and reported that her son had really enjoyed the daily 45 minute sessions in the lagoon with the dolphins. „The dolphin kissed him repeatedly“, said Centa Sonderholzer. Ralph had held his arms out, touched the dolphin, even in its mouth.
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