Our trainers from Jamaica, Spain, USA, Mexico and Turkey, who take care of the well-being of our dolphins. Therapy Team Management Axel Linke GERMANY / TURKEY Yönetim (CEO, Sahibi) Elena Gerasimova GERMANY / TURKEY Management (Lawyer) Franz-Josef Wiengarn GERMANY Contact for booking and customer service for the entire German-speaking countries. *protected email* www.delfin-therapie.org Adem Sabri TURKEY Chef Secretary Turgay Uykusuz TURKEY Onmega Ltd. St. Administral & Marketing & Public Relations Man.Turkey Cemile Kurt TURKEY Accountant Steffen Jung GERMANY Manager Online Communications ****AND OF COURSE OUR STARS : Flip, Daisy, Frosia & Splash**** JAMAIKA Yunus Egitmeni