Third Dolphin Therapy for Leon in Antalya
So, it is now time for the Report of our third Dolphin Therapy, from 09.09 – 23.09.2011, in the ONMEGA Dolphin Therapy Center in Antalya, Turkey!
After the very, very good experiences we had in the Dolphin Therapy Center in 2008 and 2009, we were certain that we would return. In December our bookings were made and we were already looking forward……
On 09.09.2011 at long last the time had come, the aircraft flew us south, to the dolphins !!
As Leon had his therapy bicycle with him this time, we had booked a special Transfer through the Therapy Center, which worked very well. After a short wait we drove from the airport in Dalaman straight to the Club Turban Hotel in Antalya. We were so pleased with the Hotel last time we decided to stay there again. Everything there is suitable for children and the disabled, and the staff is really kind.
The weather was, apart from 2 rainy afternoons, super; sunshine and a temperature of 40°C, not so hot as in July. Just right for us after the bad Summer we had at home.
After 2 days relaxing on the beach, on Monday we started Leon’s therapy program. We had met Barbara on the platform the day before….. Leon recognized Barbara straight away, we were all happy and the atmosphere was warm and friendly as it had been in previous years. As if we had never left. Read the rest of this entry »