Kevin has awakened through the contact with dolphins
This was widely reported in the Press, the ‘Wochenblatt’ , ‘Vilstalboten’ and ‘TZ MÜnchen’ , it was reported in Radio Trausnitz and also on TV on the channels Sat 1 and Pro 7.
What has happened to date : So far our biggest project:
This is Kevin in his mother’s arms and he is laughing so heartily that one simply must laugh with him. This is quoted from Bavaria’s ‘Wochenblatt’: No one knows where he is… Kevin’s Life between worlds Kevin was alert as a child. At one year of age he could walk and spoke his first words. Then there was a tragic accident. Now Kevin lies in a persistent vegetative state, he cannot walk, speak or feed himself. Now he is fed through a stomach tube, he lives between worlds. The doctors said that Dolphin Therapy could be of some help. ‘Lebensfreude e.V.’ (registered charity) started a collection over Radio Trausnitz and the tz-muenchen and also enlisted the help of the Red BavariansDingolfing (FC Bayern Fanclub) and the local papers. In 12 days enough money was collected to fly Kevin and his whole family for 16 days to Kas in Turkey to take part in Dolphin Therapy.
This is Kevin in his mother’s arms and he is laughing so heartily that one simply must laugh with him. This is quoted from Bavaria’s ‘Wochenblatt’: No one knows where he is… Kevin’s Life between worlds Kevin was alert as a child. At one year of age he could walk and spoke his first words. Then there was a tragic accident. Now Kevin lies in a persistent vegetative state, he cannot walk, speak or feed himself. Now he is fed through a stomach tube, he lives between worlds. The doctors said that Dolphin Therapy could be of some help. ‘Lebensfreude e.V.’ (registered charity) started a collection over Radio Trausnitz and the tz-muenchen and also enlisted the help of the Red BavariansDingolfing (FC Bayern Fanclub) and the local papers. In 12 days enough money was collected to fly Kevin and his whole family for 16 days to Kas in Turkey to take part in Dolphin Therapy.
Off to Turkey!!
On 7th August 2006 they left Munich for Kas in turkey. They flew from Munich to Dalaman where they were collected by the Hotel bus. The whole family were accommodated in the all-inclusive Hotel Phellos, Physiotherapy included, for the next 14 days. After 2 days to settle-in, Kevin and one parent were taken to the Therapy Centre. Kevin entered the water with the doctor and therapist to make contact with the dolphin. It is required that the parent keeps a diary, keeping note of any improvements or deterioration during the therapy. In the evening at the physiotherapy session the child and parents talk about their experiences.
We wish Kevin a helpful and successful Therapy and that he has fun with the dolphin and that he is not afraid of the water; also the rest of the family should enjoy their stay.
Examinations confirm the statements of the Turkish doctors
Kevin has awakened out of the 6-stage arpalish Syndrome – persistant vegetative state – he’s awake!!!
The doctors explained that Kevin’s brain had started-up again through contact with the dolphins. Kevin’s brain had previously ‘switched-off’, a safety mechanism, through the shock of drowning. The sonic waves of the dolphins, transmitted automatically to Kevin’s brain, caused it to ‘switch-on’ again. Everyone was very surprised that Kevin awoke after the very first session. Usually 3, 4 or 5 sessions are necessary to achieve that which had happened to Kevin. Now he is presented with the problem of learning everything anew because during the years spent in a vegetative state he has forgotten everything. Before his accident he could walk, speak and feed himself, everything that a sweet 2-year-old could. Now at five he is a baby again.
A heart-felt and big Thankyou to all of the following :
Herrn Steinbeisser, Red Bavarians Dingolfing, Radio Trausnitz Landshut, TZ Muenchen and all those that donated money to Kevin’s accounts.
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