An unforgettable day as a Dolphin Trainer
In June of 2014 one of my dreams came true. I’ve always wanted to meet a dolphin and swim with him. During our summer vacation in 2014, I and my husband were able to spend a wonderful day in the Dolphin Therapy Center in Antalya.
Axel Linke’s team greeted us warmly and accompanied us relaxed and happy through the day. Time and again we were able to observe the care and love with which they work with the animals.
As preparation, the trainers gave us much information about the dolphins, and contact with the animals was handled step by step. The dolphins appeared quite calm and curious to us. Axel Linke also provided us with much background information regarding the Dolphin Therapy Center and dolphin therapy.
The final high point of the day was swimming with the dolphin that was part of my program “Dolphin Trainer for a Day”. Because I was able to experience the atmosphere around the dolphin all day long, the dolphin swim was an extremely intensive experience for me.
The impression we came away with was the competence and love with which the dolphins are treated. The well-being of the dolphins is ensured by great attention to their needs.
A big Thank You to Axel Linke and his team for an unforgettable day in the Dolphin Therapy Center Antalya!
If you want to get in touch with that family concerning dolphin therapy related questions please contact us.