Nicholas Schafer
Written by Family Schafer (Mama Katja)
Dear.Barbara,sorry that I am writing to you only now, but until yesterday my computer was out of action. Now at long last I can send you Nico’s report! But more important is…….. WE MISS YOU !! NIIICHOLAAA is very well: he is always laughing, reacts a lot better when spoken to, holds more often eye contact and is generally more open! Another good thing is that Nico can now manage his toilet himself without any help. The only drawback is that he enjoys it and the child always stinks.
I hope the report is to your liking and that you can use it all! If you cannot open it or if you only receive the text without pictures let me know and I will use a different programme. Oh dear, it is such a shame that you are such a long way away! Please say hello to everyone for us (especially Suna, Claudia and Anett ) and give Daisy a biiiiig kiss and an extra fish from Nico! I hope we shall stay in contact.
Many hearty greetings from Nico and Katja
Nico und Katja
Therapy Report from Nicholas Schäfer 06.10.08 – 20.10.08
I am eight years old and was born with an unknown metabolic illness. This means that I can (when I want to) walk a few steps but otherwise I crawl. I can pull myself up on things and discover things in that way. I cannot speak but I understand everything. They say I’m blind but also that this child must be able to see something because I always find my way. Added to that I suffer from Epilepsy but haven’t had fits for several years.
But now about the therapy:
Monday morning at 03.00 we left home for the airport. Everything worked well, I was able to use my wheelchair right up to boarding and then a Medic carried me to my seat on the aircraft!
Punctually at 06.00 we took off and landed in Turkey at 10.00. They were already waiting for me because my wheelchair didn’t fold and we had a special transfer just for myself, my mum and my great aunt.
Arriving at the hotel we realised that we were at the nicest place in turkey, set apart from the town, a beautiful landscape, super clear water and although it was October it was still 28-29°C. On the first day we were able to scout around and discovered a lot of places at and around the hotel where one could simply relax and be carefree. On the second day we had our first talk with Barbara, the other therapist, and Axel Linke greeted and joked with me.
Wednesday, now we start!
In the morning I had Physiotherapy with Claudia, who also gave me a very nice welcome. At first she watched what I could do to learn more about me. Usually Mum didn’t attend the therapies so that she could have a bit of time for herself, but with Claudia I always had a lot of fun. 15.00, now I was really worked up, now it would be exciting! Barbara greeted me and we went onto the platform. She sat behind me and put her legs around me. Then a little whistle and there came Daisy – my dolphin! Mum sat on the platform and could watch everything. And she couldn’t believe her eyes! That’s not my child she thought. Daisy swam over with a red ring on his nose and Barbara wanted me to take the ring in both hands……. and that is what I did. Everything that Barbara asked me to do I carried out! Barbara wanted me to lay the ring in the water so that she could throw it for Daisy to fetch….. and that is what I did! After the work on the platform we entered the water…… that was the best part!
I enjoyed myself to the full, but all good things come to an end, and for a finish I was always allowed to feed Daisy a fish as a reward….. then I said goodbye and waved ….. and Daisy waved back!
And then there was the Hippo Therapy
I was always picked up by bus at the hotel to take me to the ranch. Feli and her husband Salih were waiting to welcome me. I was allowed to ride Domino, a much bigger horse than I am used to at home. But that didn’t matter, I wasn’t afraid, quite to the contrary. Salih had difficulty sometimes keeping me calm, but I was laughing my head off. On the horse I worked with rings and balls, this was new to me, but it was great fun. They have built a beautiful ranch and they do great work. Also they are really friendly and it is well worth it to take part in hippo therapy!!!
The whole therapy was a wonderful time for us and a very special experience. When the time came to take our leave we were very sad and didn’t want to go home! Since the therapy I feel very well I’m very happy and laugh a lot and somehow I’m open to new things. Now I want to learn a lot and can’t get enough…..Mum, my teacher and therapist are all of the same view and they all have to do a lot to tire me.
Mum and I want to thank the whole team for the wonderful time we spent! You certainly have put together something really big……a lot of work has gone into it……..but the success and the eyes of the laughing children show that you are doing the right thing!
We shall give our utmost to be able to come and see you again. Then we have rarely seen so many nice, understanding and loving people all in one place!
We would also like to thank all the charities and clubs that have enabled us to make our dream come true!!
Your Nico ( NIIICHOLAAA : )) and Mama Katja
For dolphin therapy related questions you can contact family Schafer via email :
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